
Power Brick LV

Multi-Axis Motion Controller with integrated 4 or 8 axis low voltage amplifiers

CB17090 032 extended background

The Power Brick LV ARM is a smart servo drive package that combines the intelligence and capability of the Dual Core ARM Power PMAC (Programmable Multi-Axis Controller) motion controller with 4, or 8 axis of high performance low voltage amplifiers.

The Power Brick LV ARM interfaces with almost any type of automation device, sensor, encoder feedback, and motor actuator providing a compact package that simplifies machine design with single-location wiring.

With its nano scale positioning capability, EtherCAT® master expandability, fully integrated digital and analog I/Os, industry leading motion and servo firmware features including ultra fast programmable logic and open architecture, the Power Brick LV ARM is one of the world’s most flexible and powerful fully scalable machine automation controllers.